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Title Date
12 Logistics Support Regiment, 12 Logistic Support Regiment(2nd)the Royal Logisti, Corps (3rd) Merton Field Oxford University 2009 2nd September 2009
12 Logistics Support Regiment, 12 Logistic Support Regiment (2nd Line) The Royal, Logistic Corps (3rd Line) Guildhall Abingdon 2010 16th February 2010
1st Battalion Royal Highland Fusili, 1st Battalion The Royal Highland Fusiliers (prince, Ss Margaret's Own...) Oakington Barracks June 1992 June 1992
2nd Battalion The Queen's Regiment, The Princess Of Wales's Royal Regiment 2nd Battali, Wo's & Sgts Mess Sobraon Day Celibration 05 Februa 5th February 1993
2nd Battalion Of Royal Green Jackets, Warrant Officers And Sergeants Mess 2nd Battalion, The Royal Green Jackets Warminster March 1988 1988
2nd Battalion Of The Royal Green Jackets, 2nd Batalion, (see Neg For Rest Of Title) 1988
32 (the Royal) Squadron 9th June 1996
32 (the Royal) Squadron 9th June 1996
32 (the Royal) Squadron, (32 Sqn) No 32 (the Royal) Squadron (er Crest) 30th May 1997
6th/7th Battalion (princessofwales), 6th/7th Battalion The Princess Of Wales Royal, Regiment 1992 Queen's And Royal Hampshires September 1992
Army Catering Corps, To Mark The Occasion Of The Joining Of The, Royal Navy Cookery School And The Royal Air Force 1984
Buckswood Grange, Buckswood Summer School, The Royal Centre 29th July 1996
City Of Oxford Rowing Club, Oxford City Rc Eight Which Won The Grand Challenge Cup At Oxford Royal Rega 1947
Clitheroe Royal Grammar School, The Royal Grammar School Clitheroe, To Commemorate The Visit Of Her Majesty The Queen 1990
Haberdashers Aske's School, The Haberdashers' Aske's Boys' School, Royal Navy Section 2011 25th March 2011
Haberdashers Aske's School, The Haberdashers' Aske's Boys' School, Royal Navy Officer & Snco's 2011 25th March 2011
Haberdashers Aske's School, The Haberdashers' Aske's Boys' School, Royal Air Force Section 2011 25th March 2011
Haberdashers Aske's School, The Haberdashers' Aske's Boys' School, Royal Air Force Officers & Snco's 2011 25th March 2011
Licensed Victualler's School, Royal Silver Jubilee Year 3rd Line, The Licensed (cr) Victuallers' School 19(cr)77 1977
Manor House School, Royal Silver Jubileeyear, The Manor House, Little Bookham, Summer 1977 1977
New College, Nurses And Royal Army Medical Corps Officers, Medical Unit Of The 3rd South, Gillman & Co, Scan From Print -
Royal Ballet School, The Royal Ballet School, 1992-1993 1992
Royal Ballet School, The Royal Ballet School, 1992 1992
Royal Commission For The Exhibition, The Commissioners Of (2nd) The Royal Commission, For The Exhibition Of 1851 (3rd) 1 May 2008 1st May 2008