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Title Date
Blue Coat School, The Blue Coat School 1990 1990
Blue Coat School, The Blue Coat School 1991, Pre-preparatory Department 1991
Blue Coat School, The Blue Coat School 1991 1991
Blue Coat School, The Blue Coat School 1992, The Prepreparatory Department 1992
Blue Coat School, The Blue Coat School 1992 1992
Blue Coat School, The Blue Coat School 1993 1993
Boston Grammar School, The Grammar School ( Crest) Boston September 2005 20th September 2005
Brigidine Convent School, The Brigidine School 1992 1992
British School Of Barcelona, The British School Of Barcelona, Secondary 2008 13th November 2008
British School Of Barcelona, The British School Of Barcelona, Primary 2008 13th November 2008
Bronte House, Bronte House 1990, The Preparatory School Of Woodhouse Grove 1990
Bronte House, Bronte House 1992, The Preparatory School Of Woodhouse Grove 1992
Bronte House, Bronte House 1993, The Preparatory School Of Woodhouse Grove 16th June 1993
Bronte House, Sixtieth Anniversary Year, The Preparatory School Of Woodhouse Grove 9th June 1994
Bronte House, Bronte House 1995, The Preparatory School Of Woodhouse Grove 12th June 1995
Bronte House School, Bronte House 1991, The Preparatory School Of Woodhouse Grove 1991
Broomwood Hall School, Broomwood Hall The Lower School 21st May 2001
Broomwood Hall School, Broomwood Hall The Upper School 21st May 2001
Broomwood Hall School, Broomwood Hall The Upper School 21st May 2002
Broomwood Hall School, Broomwood Hall The Lower School 21st May 2002
Broomwood Hall School, Broomwood Hall The Lower School 19th May 2003
Broomwood Hall School, Broomwood Hall School - The Upper School, 2006 24th May 2006
Broomwood Hall School, Broomwood Hall School - The Upper School, 2007 23rd May 2007
Broomwood Hall School, Broomwood Hall School -the Upper School, 2008 21st May 2008