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Title Date
Shakespeare Conference No 2, International Summer School -
Shakespeare Conference No 2, St Peter's -
Shakespeare Conference No 2, 1978 1978
Shakespeare No 1 Conference, 1978 1978
Shmis, Shmis, Deputy Heads's Conference 2008 9th May 2008
Somerville College, Somerville Political Conference 28th July 1995
St Anne's College, Manchester Metro University, Computing Conference 1999
St Catherine's College, Conference 19th July 1999
St Peter's College, It Conference Group 2003
State Boarding Schools' Association, State Boarding Schools' Association, Annual Conference 2008 21st January 2008
Studley Priory Hotel, Conference Group 1978 1978
The Central Board Of Finance Of The, Stewardship Network Annual Conference 1993, (gold Block) 1st July 1993
The Duke Of Edinburgh's C/wealth Sc, Hrh The Duke Of Edinburgh's Seventh Commonwealth, Study Conference, 1992 1992
The English Speaking Union, International Relations Conference, Oriel College, Oxford 2007 16th July 2007
The Fifth British Conference, The Fifth British Academic Conference Of Otolary-, Birmingham 1979 Ngology 1979
The Royal Aeronautical Society, The Royal Aeronautical Society, Conference 1979 1979
Trinity College, Trinity College, Conference 1978 1978
Tuc Educational Trust, Conference Group, @ Ruskin Hall -
Umist, A.u.a Conference Branch Correspondents 28th March 1999
Virgina Tech, International Conference On Quality In Higher 31st July 2000
Wadham College, Conference 24th September 1998
Wadham College, Refugee Studies Centre - Conference 4th July 2001
Wadham College, Refugee Studies Conference 7th July 2004
Westminster College, Westminster College, Conference 1978 1978